Friday, September 18, 2020

Nine Lives


Friday 18 September 2020

This last week I have been busy painting my wall. The weather has been perfect. I started a blog The Pearls of Pearl Street a few years ago wanting to give people something inspirational to look at as they passed by. I have had many lovely conversations with neighbours and locals each time I am out there painting. Here's a link to the blog if you'd like to go and have a look.

I had my first conversation with the consultant from the thrombosis clinic. He described my blood clot as one event. The clot moves upwards from the legs and gets into the lungs. As the lungs are like the branches of a tree getting progressively smaller and smaller it may seem that there is more than one blood clot but in actual fact it is only the one that is breaking up into smaller and smaller bits. The blood thinning injections are to stop me creating a new blood clot. The hope is that eventually the body absorbs the clot back into itself over time.

I think the day we found out about this everybody was playing down the seriousness of the event saying things like 'Oh yes it is more likely to happen because of the chemo and because of the cancer.' Perhaps ignorance is bliss. I was not really aware how serious it was until now.  I feel that 2 of my nine lives have evaporated. Perhaps that is not a bad thing.  Living life to the full and treasuring the time I have left.

He did say one interesting thing. Having a blood clot was a major thing and he would not expect me to really recover my energy and banish the breathlessness until at least xmas ! ! ! never mind what the cancer, the chemo and heavy duty drugs are doing to my body. Ha ha a bit of perspective there!


Sianed 13/8/59 - 31/1/2022

We are sad to say that Sianed died yesterday 31 January. In accordance with her wishes there with be a celebration of her life, probably in ...